Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January's Reading

When I started this challenge, I didn't anticipate quite how intense America's meltdown would be. But I still managed to read 10 books, only 2 short of what Goodreads said I needed to hit my goal of 150. I might still finish another tonight since my current priority has been finishing books that have been sitting on my nightstand for AAAAAGES.

So, I read:
Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley
Wait for Me by Caroline Leech
Poison's Kiss by Breanna Shields
La Petite Four by Regina Scott
Difficult Women by Roxane Gay
The Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana
By Your Side by Kasie West
The Ship Beyond Time by Heidi Heilig
Geekerella by Ashley Poston
The Falconer by Elizabeth May

Which means I read
10 books
4 books by WoC
6 books about PoC
2 books by queer authors (that I know of)
1 book with queer MCs (though two had pretty extensive queer side casts)
2 books with neurodiversity
0 books with disabled MCs
1 book with fat MCs
0 non-fiction
0 ebooks

I also DNFed one other library book, but I didn't get far in, so I didn't count it. And I'm 2/3 of the way through a non-fic book that I figured I'd wait to finish until February so I could work on clearing books off my nightstand for the last few days of January. I still have...7 books, including a library book and 2 romance novels. So...that went well.

BUT hey, I'm doing good at making sure I'm reading more PoC and I've...got some work to do on the rest. Still. Progress!

As far as my book IN take vs my book OUT take well...I took in 31 books and got rid of 13. I *did*, however, get rid of 31 since I started tracking in December and only brought in 45. And I finally boxed up a bunch of books to go out, so my physical piles of books to get rid of have shrunk? But I also have at least 4 more books coming so...you know I'm TRYING. And I think a lot of my non-fic books have the chance to go on the pile of books I get rid of. As do the romances I'll read when I need a break. And I only know of...6 books I'll be acquiring for sure in February. At the moment. So...fingers are crossed.

I have a (loosely) compiled reading list for February. Feminism and badass ladies and intersectionality. I'm ready to do some learning and be empowered!


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